Property Cleanup Service

Save Time, Save Hassle.

Let Kanga Take Care of Your Property Cleanup

Professional Property Cleanup

When your garden has gotten a little (or a lot!) out of shape, the prospect of getting it looking perfect again can be very daunting. Sometimes you just have to put your hands up and let the Gardening Team at Kanga care of it for you.

The typical property cleanup includes pulling weeds, seasonal pruning of plants, leaf cleanup, spraying weeds, & gutter cleaning.

Most of our customers have an early spring cleanup to get their property in shape for summer.

During garden cleanups, we make sure that all the foliage is trimmed away from the home's gutters and siding. This helps prevent animals and insects from making their way into your house and keeps algae from growing on your building.

Get a Free Property Cleanup Quote

Most property cleanups take 2-3 hours to complete to our standards.

Many of our clients request property cleanup right before putting their home on the market to sell. A small investment spent on trimming, weeding, edging, and landscaping can create wonderful curb appeal and increase the value of your home dramatically.

Call the Kanga Team or fill in the contact form below to schedule a visit, where we will assess and give recommendations after doing a site analysis.

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